The company Lucky Ocean (hereinafter Lucky Ocean) is the publisher of the website The set of services provided by Real Click on the domain is the execution of financial transactions, the organization and mediation of sales, content management and the provision of information services via the Internet.

By using the website, it is considered that you, as a user, are fully familiar with and agree to the stated Terms of Use, Terms of Sale and Data Confidentiality Statement. If you do not agree with them and do not accept them, please do not use this website. With any further use of these Internet pages after familiarization with the Terms of Use, it is considered that the users agree with the conditions and rules presented here and agree to use the Internet pages in accordance with these conditions.

The user agrees that the use of the website is solely his responsibility. Neither Lucky Ocean nor any third party associated with it can guarantee in any way that the use of this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, nor can they guarantee the consequences of using this website or the accuracy, reliability or content of any information, services or goods provided through these websites. The user agrees and confirms that Lucky Ocean is not responsible for the inappropriate or illegal behavior of other users or third parties and that the risk of possible damages arising as a result of the above is entirely on the user.


The liability statement applies to all damages caused by any error, deletion, interruption, computer virus, malfunction, delay in operation or transmission, interruption in the communication line, theft, termination of the contract, destruction or unauthorized access, changes or misuse of records, inappropriate behavior , negligence, or any other act. Lucky Ocean or any other natural or legal person involved in the creation, production and distribution of this website are not responsible for any damage resulting from the use or inability to use these websites.

The user is responsible for protecting the confidentiality of passwords that appear and are created when using the services provided by Lucky Ocean. Also, the user is responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of his computer equipment, which includes all software and hardware used, and for other equipment necessary to access and use the site and for all related costs. Lucky Ocean is not responsible for any damage to the user’s equipment resulting from the use of the relevant websites.

Lucky Ocean reserves the right at any time, and without prior notice, if it deems it necessary, to cancel or modify any of the Terms of Use of the website and/or the Statement of Confidentiality stated here. The changes in question may include, among other things, the introduction of certain fees or charges, so we advise users to periodically re-read the information contained in the Terms of Use and the Data Confidentiality Statement in detail, in order to be informed of any changes. Also, Lucky Ocean reserves the right at any time to modify or terminate any segment of the business, including, without limitation, the time of availability, content, as well as the equipment required to access or use the website.

Likewise, Lucky Ocean may stop sending information or part of information, may change or discontinue any method of data transmission, and may change data transmission speeds, as well as any other characteristics thereof. In the event that the Terms of Use and/or the Data Confidentiality Statement are changed, and the user continues to use the website, it is considered that he accepts the Terms of Use and the Data Confidentiality Statement in the amended form.

Any possible modification or deletion of the terms of use is valid for third parties immediately after publication on the website Any use, apart from familiarization with changes to the conditions, of the relevant internet pages by the end user after such changes will be understood as acceptance of those changes.


The obligation and duty of the user is to use the website exclusively in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia, as well as with general moral and ethical principles. By using the website by the user, it is considered that the user agrees that all communication and interaction that takes place via the website must be in accordance with these Terms of Use. Users may not publish, transmit or make available in any way through these websites any materials whose content infringes the rights of others in any way, for example, content that is offensive, defamatory, that violates or threatens privacy, etc., as well as materials illegal content and form.

Lucky Ocean reserves the discretion to only assess whether there has been a breach of obligations by the user. The user may not publish, transmit or make available in any way content that contains an advertisement, advertisement or offer of any products and services, as well as religious, political and non-commercial promotion, without the prior written approval of Real Click, and in particular may not recruit other users of online page to become users of another service that is a direct or indirect competitor. Lucky Ocean reserves the discretionary right to independently assess whether there has been a breach of obligations by the user.


The obligation and duty of the user is to use the website exclusively in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia, as well as with general moral and ethical principles. By using the website by the user, it is considered that the user agrees that all communication and interaction that takes place via the website must be in accordance with these Terms of Use.

Users may not publish, transmit or make available in any way through these websites any materials whose content infringes the rights of others in any way, for example, content that is offensive, defamatory, that violates or threatens privacy, etc., as well as materials illegal content and form. Lucky Ocean reserves the discretion to only assess whether there has been a breach of obligations by the user.

The user may not, without the prior written approval of Lucky Ocean, publish, transmit or make available in any way content that contains an advertisement, advertisement or offer of any products and services, as well as religious, political and non-commercial promotion, and in particular may not recruit other users of online page to become users of another service that is a direct or indirect competitor. Lucky Ocean reserves the discretionary right to independently assess whether there has been a breach of obligations by the user.

The materials found on the website are owned by Lucky Ocean and as such are protected by law, or are used in accordance with the approval of the copyright holder and trademark holder, as well as in accordance with other necessary approvals. Lucky Ocean is also the copyright holder of the entire conceptual content of the website necessary for the proper and smooth functioning of the project.

Any copying, transmission, distribution, linking, publishing or in any way modifying these web pages without the written permission of Lucky Garden is prohibited. Any violation of the aforementioned prohibition may result in the violation of copyright, trademark rights, or any other right and therefore may produce unwanted effects such as the initiation of several types of court proceedings, and in particular may lead to criminal prosecution. The user may not modify, publish, transfer, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivatives, or in any other way exploit any content from the website, in whole or in part. It is also not allowed to copy, redistribute, retransmit, publish or commercially exploit the downloaded material.


Kupon se ne može kombinirati s drugim poklon-bonom / bonovima ili Kuponima trećih osoba / kuponima / promocijama, ne može se reproducirati niti prodavati, osim u slučaju ako je to izričito određeno u pojedinoj promotivnoj ponudi.

Restoran je definiran kao Partner koji kao svoju redovitu poslovnu aktivnost nudi hranu i piće na prodaju, te tu hranu i piće isporučuje kupcima/konzumentima navedenim u valjanoj Potvrdi. Svaka uporaba Kupona koja nije u skladu s uvjetima i pravilima korištenja rezultirati će prestankom važenja Kupona. Valjanost Kupona ističe na datum koji je naznačen na njoj i neproduživa je..

Additional conditions

User agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Lucky Ocean from all claims for damages and expenses. The same applies to its subsidiaries, their responsible persons, employees, agents. This includes the costs of legal representation, which may arise from the use of these websites by the user.

Lucky Ocean may terminate the business relationship with the user at any time and reserves the right to immediately terminate all or any passwords or user accounts of the user in the event of user behavior that Lucky Ocean deems unacceptable. Also, Lucky Ocean may terminate the business relationship with any user in any case of non-compliance with these Terms by the user. In the event of cancellation of passwords or user accounts, the conditions relating to the user’s responsibility and obligations continue to apply.

Lucky Ocean is not responsible for any possible loss or damage caused by the user relying on the information obtained on the website
Lucky Ocean expressly excludes itself in every sense from the content of material on the websites of third parties, which could be accessed from the website In the event that the user accesses the websites of third parties, he does so exclusively and only at his own risk, which implies any exclusion of Lucky Ocean’s responsibility.

In the event that one of the clauses of these terms of use is invalid, such invalidity will not affect the validity of any other provision of these terms, and the remaining parts of these Terms will remain in force, and the invalid provision will be replaced by a valid provision that by meaning and true will best corresponds to a provision that is void.

The failure of either party to exercise its rights under these terms of use shall not be deemed a waiver or loss of those rights, or any other rights set forth herein. Persons under the age of 14 are prohibited from using the website

Any dispute or request arising from or related to these Terms, or in connection with their implementation, is under the jurisdiction of the court in Zagreb and is resolved in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia. By registering a user account on the website, it is considered that the user has read these Terms of Use in their entirety.